March 12 2013

Here is todays outfit:

i was thinking tonight when i got home from the gym and started my mundane routine of showering how i have really come to incorporate some of the "rules" that Mastered gave me ages ago into my life.  For instance it is almost inconceivable to me not to do a nightly enema now for a variety of reasons but the idea that everything about my body is controlled by Mastered is still my primary thought and i like being reminded of that in such a private and invasive fashion regularly. Likewise my cunt must always be clean shaven, just for my own comfort level now. ( i used to keep everything nice and tidy with clippers because i have sensitive skin and shaving caused probs) I was thinking today i want to try a depilatory on the weekend but that entails letting things get a little messy for a week or so and i just don't think i could do it. Another example is him selecting my outfit every morning-yesterday Mastered was running late and let me make my own choice and i was disappointed - i like the first thing i do in the morning to be to defer to Master-i didn't realize how much i count on that until i didn't get it. And then of course there is my Stockholmsian (i think i just made up that word)  need for some type of torture during the day..if i don't get it, or quite frankly don't get enough, i feel like i must be doing something wrong that Mastered doesn't want to bother torturing me.

But fortunately today Mastered did feel like torturing me. For several hours i had to wear my rope panties, right after i icyhotted my clit!! After about 15 minutes i asked if we had done this before because i didn't remember having done so and i think i would have because it was BRUTAL. Apparently we hadn't and that is why Mastered was taking it easy on me and only making me sit like that for a couple of hours and not the whole day. Can you imagine the rubbing of the rope WHILE the icy hot was burning up inside my cunt????? There was no escaping the pain and when i told Master that i just got "squirm pig" in return...ooooo that made me squirm even more. i can not get enough of Masters abuse-I LOVE IT. When he called my cunt a runny pig cunt i almost fell off my chair.  And on that note...goodnight!


  1. Replies
    1. i love that you understand that is what it is.

  2. I understand fully. We have different kinks and different desires... but I feel tremendous joy when I see that my Master is pleased with me. What I do to please him is our business, and I really appreciate that there is never judgement in our exchanges - only appreciation of the perspective of the other.


  3. 1. As a total slave, it is good that you accept control over all aspects of your body, maintaining a clean ass ready for use, a clean cunt mound bare and scrubbed, what you wear even including underwear (or lack of it). I hope you will post more pix of your rope panties, especially your sore cunt after wearing them for awhile....maybe red, raw lips?
    2. Stockholm reaction....I like your new word for this. And I have always wondered how a person would develop such feelings for someone who treated them "badly", but as a slave and pain slut like you, I can easily understand it.
    3. Icyhot + course rope panties, spreading and chaffing your inner cunt lips....just wonderful way to have you start your day. "Brutal" treatment of your cunt is what you are there please your Owner with your submission and taking His desires for your pain on your most private and sensitive parts. you really are a wonderful slave. A video of your pig squirm would be outstanding.

    1. 1. my favorite part of becoming Mastereds is not being in charge of my own body, i cant even explain what the simplest (even non-sexual) order, like what type of earings to wear does to me. more pics on the way but not of the after effects- i will keep that in mind next time. usually i am so damn happy to get them off i dont think about pics. i wonder if i could tolerate them during a treadmill work out to get really good marks...hmmm
      2.i am glad that how i should be treated is evident.
      3. Thank you for the compliment Sir! When i say brutal-i generally do not mean it in a bad way.. i love it when Master is brutal with my tenderest, most intimate areas-as you say that is what they are there for.

  4. hello congratulations for your great website and for the wonderful way that you are doing.
    forgive my English but I am Italian and I studied French.
    I'd like to see you with the most sexy boots, I would also say that you tried to put in your pants rubber gloves, such as those used for domestic work. gloves are the hands of your master in the place where they should always be ...
    a last request to me would be more correct that you always touched and I used rubber gloves. Only the master has the right to touch with bare hands as a servant you should use rubber gloves.

    P.S. I have created a special pant for women with rubber gloves glued together ... vorrrei regalartela I could show it to you if you like.

    see you soon

    1. thank you for your comment- i dont actually take requests like "wear boots" but comments are always welcome. I doubt i would ever, or Master would want me to wear rubber gloves but if i understand correctly you mean that only his hands should touch me, even mine should be covered when i touch myself? that is an intriguing idea, gives me something to think about-Thank you Sir.

    2. Thank you for your kind reply.
      you mean to say that you should touch using rubber gloves ... (such as those using the maids to wash the dishes) because it is more correct more considerate to your teacher.
      as I mentioned I made a special pant for women, I would like to show you if you like and if especially like your master, I'll explain how to do

      I like when you wear the boots, I like them more when they are long just below the knee or just like those of the pirates ...

      Thanks again and see you soon

