Generally throughout the day i get IMs and texts from Master. Generally any time i see his name pop up on my screen or my phone i am riveted, i stop mid conversation and respond, i wait for those messages. Even the briefest message can make my day. Sometimes all i get is one word "pig", even better sometimes i only get two words "my pig". Sometimes we talk about things-i asked this week why the exercise pictures seemed to be popular since they weren't what i would consider sexy. Sometimes i get orders, " go lick the toilet", "clip your cunt shut". BUT sometimes, rarely, i am distracted, i am rushing to a meeting and i may not be paying the strictest attention. That happened this week, Monday i think. Mastered ordered me to go lick the toilet, which usually happens around 11 and i saw that in the message as i glanced at my phone but i missed the next part of his message which also said to icyhot my clit every 2 hours. Later when he checked in with me i admitted that i hadn't seen it so obviously had not done it. I, of course, got a punishment.
To back track a little i had recently been doing some research on ginger and wanted to try it. I had gone out and purchaced a "hand" of ginger and was going to do some kind of surprise task for Master over the weekend but did not have time, so i had had this ginger for about a week. I mentioned this to Mastered and my punishment was to use the real rules he just wanted me to use it. i, of course, said i would do it for 20 minutes (about the length of time the pain lasts according to the articles). Well i get home very excited to try, i peeled the root, shaped it a little and bent over and inserted it into my ass. One of the things i read was that you can ferment ginger which makes it stronger (fermenting happens basically by keeping it in a dark dry place-guess where i kept mine). One other thing i learned from the articles was that clenching makes it burn worse. With those two things in mind once i had it in me of course i had no choice, due to my loose asshole, but to clench. And the burning started almost much so that i am pretty sure the root had fermented and was at super strength. The pain is hard to explain...different than the icyhot..that is a true burning sensation..the ginger, although burning is a component, is almost like supercharged tiny tiny needles poking you at the speed of light. i took out my ginger plug after 5 minutes. i was in a lot of pain but i think more than that i was just scared of the how much more the pain would increase, how long it would last once i took it out. The answer is that it last about 15 minutes longer. Once it was out and my fear calmed down i did find myself clenching my ass to increase the residual burn/tingle.... just kind of playing with the sensations. After i realized i caved into my fear i was pretty disappointed in myself so i put the ginger back in my ass. But by this time it had been peeled for half an hour or so, so it wasn't very strong.. i could have gone back at it with the peeler (when you first peel it-it is very moist) but it was late so i just stopped. One other thing that i read was that ginger is supposed to make a woman very horny and i will say that even through my fear and pain from almost the moment i put the ginger in me my cunt was literally throbbing and pounding so i think that is true. I want to play with this more, push it harder. Of course when i mentioned that this was tough all Mastered said was "wait until you have to try tabasco", for some reason that scares me even more!! Here are a couple of pictures of my adventure:
like i said the tabasco/chilli scares me (i have heard to keep a glass of milk handy as that will sooth the burning but water wont). i am almost 100% sure that the ginger i got had fermented so it was extra powerful-freshly purchased shouldnt be so bad and really i think so much of it was fear bouncing around in my head - i should have toughed it out. Let me know how it goes with you!! Thanks for the comment and for reading.
ReplyDeleteI tried a chilli but it did not have the desired effect. I will have to go shopping for a hotter one so I decided to try out the ginger instead. It burnt but it wasn't excruciating, I guess it wasn't fermented but thats something to experiment with another time.
hmmm surprised about the chili-what kind did you use? i guess we could compare notes on tabasco sauce next-lol. i did kind of enjoy the nature of the ginger "burn" it felt different than the icy hot i use all the time.
DeleteI bought a jalepeno this time, figured I might as well try the hottest they had. I loved the feeling of the burn, the chilli almost made me cum. Definetly worth a try! Tabasco might have to be next on my list of things to try.
1. It is specially interesting to Me to hear how your communications are exchanged....and that even 1 or 2 words can get your immediate attention....and likey some cunt juices flowing. It is interested that you are "assisting" the cleaning staff, keeping the women's bathroom spit shined. Being a sadist, I like the idea of IcyHot on your clit anytime, but find it especially diabolical while you are at work, supposed to be thinking about your work tasks and not your throbbing clit.
ReplyDelete2. you are a good slave pig to procure ginger root without being required, wanting to try another way to give your internal pain "where the sun don't shine". It is surprising that, even after you got a punishment task from your pig Owner and promising 20 minutes with the ginger in you, that you didn't make it even close to that. After all that research, you got scared of the pain. That doesn't sound like the pig that I have read about and seen in many different torture pix. I was pleased that you fermented it to increase the burn as well as clenching your ass hole to add to the pain.....but then you "pigged/chickened" out!!! Those barnyard animals need close supervision!! I can't wait to hear about how your tabasco task goes.
3. All of that said, I enjoy looking at your ass, your ass being stuffed, and your cunt slit just below your ass-cunt. I might add that your ass needs some marks, some color besides the tan, some sign that you are an owned pig, something to remind you of your Owner each time you sit down.
1. if it is the right one or 2 words that is all in need to want to thro myself at Masters feel and grovel like a pig for his amusement!
Delete2. if Mastered had stated a time i am sure i would have pushed hard to meet it but on my own i did get scared, it is a scary thing to have the inside of your cunt or ass tortured like cant help but worry about what may go wrong and i did cave. on my own i would never have been able to put myself thru as much as i have. i trust mastered to know what a body can take but this was something he had not worked with before so it was truly an experiment. so i didn't have the confidence i have when Mastered tells me to do something. if that makes sense.
3. i agree, i would like a tattoo (i know you were talking about belt marks but i digressed) of some sort hidden on my body but Mastered is not a tattoo fan.
Thank you for your comment Sir!
3. Not just belt marks. Crop, paddle, even cane. I think the sexiest mark of ownership is a metal tag hanging from the slaves clit hood or cunt lips. It would require a piercing, but the pain wouldn't matter to Me. I wonder what you GYN would say when he/she saw the dangling tag saying "sex slave" or "property of Mastered".
Deletesomeone mentioned recently that i was supposed to get pierced and that did kind of fall off the radar but even though i try to keep an eye toward the future and not changing my body too much that is one thing i would do. i also think it is very sexy. this is wrong on so many levels but there is a scandal in my area about male gynos having recorded exams and i am not outraged - i am turned on. (sorry that is a little off topic of your comment)