May 7 2013

So i am posting a two for one tonight. On sat. i went to the Lyric Opera House to see Dreamgirls (FABULOUS) and then out downtown afterward. So i decided to whore it up a little because i thought how hot it would have been had i had one of my slut labels on last time i had my "adventure". No adventure materialized but i was ready if any had:

Then today Mastered assigned the tack bra and panty (tits and cunt lips are sore tonight) and along with it a humorous (in his view) label. i had to write it spaced oddly because my blouse could have shown it, all day i was trying to make sure i stayed covered.

In other news i had my first oink day on Friday. i understand now why my dog wags her tail when she is happy. Let me explain....when Mastered would text me with something i liked, words that would  turn me on or asked me questions about what i want and i could only respond with my two oinks it was like all this energy was building up inside me with no way to expend it.  When Master says something like "Well, little dumb pig...horny for cock?" i would normal respond with something like "yes Sir for your cock, i want to beg you to fuck your pig. i wish you would fuck me hard over and over never letting me cum and then shoot your cum in my pighole so i am left dripping cum and desperate and unsatisfied".  But all i could say was "oink oink", or "oink oink! oink oink!" and it left me with an actual physical feeling of momentum trapped inside my body and had this been happening in person i am SURE i would have waggled my ass, nudged, nuzzled and, i am going to say, whined just to get that tension out of my body.  It was the weirdest feeling and it really was a physical feeling. It didn't take me entirely out of myself because i was at work so the prohibition wasn't entire and i am sure just the act of saying words to others diluted the experience but i now long to test this in person for a significant period of time-the head space has got to be amazing. Mastered is thinking that maybe all Fridays will be oink days-i would prefer a day where, again except for work, i would be limited to only yes or no in the regular world too.  i think that would be a fuller experience and a challenge for me and Fridays are one of my going out nights so i wouldn't be able to carry it thru the entire day. But we shall see.
Now the flip side of the experience was when he said or did something that made me unhappy or that i disagreed with. These limitations actually made that easier to take. Normally i have to fight with myself, not that i will say no to anything, but i will try to register my unhappiness somehow or say something that i know he wont care about or will just irritate him.   Everything came down to yes or no it was simple-no internal argument.  Don't get me wrong i still might feel some way but the temptation to voice that was gone, and surprisingly that eliminated some level of stress that i get when a situation like that occurs.  i think this took me to a level that i don't think even Mastered realized, it wasn't necessarily a "oh i just got gushing wet" level (although that happened) but mentally i think something like this could really mess with me (in a good way)....if you get used to thinking in simple terms of yes or no, no higher level of articulation or thought you get closer to a simple animal way of responding...hypothetically anyway. i look forward to the next oink day to see if it was just the novelty that so entranced me or if this really is as amazing an experience as i thought. 


  1. Been thinking that it is just about time for some permanent nipple jewelery. What says Master Ed.


    1. although he has talked about cunt piercing he hasn't mentioned nipples-i am not adverse to it-in fact i have always thought about doing it but never got around to it. Thank you for your comment.

  2. Has your Master ever made you wear a big butt plug in your arse all day on Wednesday, nappy day?
    I would like to hear your feelings if you did .

    1. i wear a large plug everyday so i am actually very used to it. sorry not a very exciting answer! :(

  3. Oink days are moderately challenging, there should be oink weeks to make you understand fully what you are.

    1. i don't disagree with you, and in fact would like to figure out ways to reduce or stop my speaking in the regular world on those days. as i said above i am very into exploring this further but as i have found Mastered controls the pace-which is good, when i find something that intrigues me or that i find very stimulating i would go full throttle and perhaps burn out or hurt myself or go to the point where i wind up exhausting myself mentally and Masters control helps me avoid that. But yes, this particular task/rule does put me in my place as significantly as my slop bucket. funnily enough last night i just told Mastered that oink day and my slop bucket are my 2 favorite pig rules. thank youf or this comment!
