i have, for quite a while, trusted Mastered implicitly to take me where i want to be in this lifestyle, physically and mentally. i knew he cared for me but i thought of it as the way an employer wants happy, healthy employees-so that they can keep working. It did not occur to me that he may just care that i am happy and healthy without an ulterior motive. Because of that i didn't even give him the opportunity to work with me thru this tough time. But i am discovering there is a wide emotional range between being "colleagues" and being a "couple" that i can be open to exploring. Perhaps we both were adhering too rigidly to the structure we had established for our relationship. i think we both have been great about being open minded and free on exploring the twists and turns my training has taken, allowing it to evolve and being able to accommodate the unexpected directions we take, but we didn't address that maybe the structure of how we related on a deeper level might need to evolve as well.
So there has been a small shift in my paradigm. Before i thought of this as a temporary situation, a month to month lease as it were. But if i think about it -this is probably the most perfect relationship with a man i could get. During a conversation with Mastered he made a comment about something happening in the future and it made me think: why am i dismissing this relationship as temporary when it has already lasted longer than most relationships i have, when it makes me happier, contains less of the drama i so loathe? i am not a conventional woman so why not have a long term unconventional relationship? i am used to thinking that relationships just aren't for me, that they don't bring me the satisfaction that make them worth the effort. But look at the effort i devote to this already and i do it happily, eagerly. Sure if we were in person all the time i couldn't be this person BUT we aren't in person all the time. And even the long distance aspect works for me-it allows me certain freedoms and, frankly, i just have zero desire to have any one person around me all of the time, i am at heart a solitary person. So with this shift i am working towards being more emotionally accessible, letting go of the control of that area as well. This is a subtle shift so i doubt there is any difference in me that would be visible or any behaviors that i could point to and say "see that is new behavior" but it is an important realization for me.
One concrete difference you will see, in an effort, to maintain healthy balances is that before i felt badly if i only post here 1-2 times a week now i am only shooting for 1 to 2 times a week-i want what i put here to be a labor of love, not an obligation i churn out just to do it.
Alrighty, now on to the pervy stuff:
A week ago or so Mastered had me hump the toilet at work and i got video for him. This is short but for some reason i really like it. If you look close at the end you can tell i was excited.... i did the polite thing and when i was done, i licked the toilet clean.
Also one evening last week i was supposed to use my ruler to slap my cunt, i forget, for maybe 25 or 50 smacks but i forgot. i told Mastered the next day i had forgotten and asked if it would be alright if over the weekend i did 50 smacks 2 twice a day both sat and sunday. He agreed that would make up for my lapse. So he got 4 videos over the weekend, i am posting the first one. Enjoy!!
I also have added a white board that i enjoy calling my pig board to my bathroom wall. its hung so that i see it behind me in the mirror when ever i get ready. i put my litanies on it, goals and whatever keeps me reminded of my status.
I am extraordinarily happy that the two of you could see what you had, what you lost and how to put it back together in a way that is solid, stable and works. Congrats to both of you.
Thank you A, you know you helped me a lot during this.
DeleteWelcome back. Thank You for allowing us back. Its a great to that You have ironed out all the kinks :) in Your life. Hope You enjoy posting as much a we enjoy reading.
ReplyDeleteI am glad to be back, thank you for reading and i hope you continue to enjoy it!!!
DeleteInteresting board. What's the countdown for?
ReplyDeletei will be talking about that soon. thank you for asking, not trying to be mysterious just ...well maybe trying to be mysterious a little!
DeleteAh good. I was wondering the same thing about the countdown and am guessing it'll some milestone in your training?
DeleteAh good. I was wondering the same thing about the countdown and am guessing it'll some milestone in your training?
Deletei posted a blog on SF but i will repost here, as it seems not all are reading over there. big news :) lol
Deletea) i was so out of practice with the journal i didn't realize that was a repost but thank you for watching again-still a favorite of mine.
ReplyDeleteb) i am always aiming for the inner lips i just miss sometimes, lol
patience patience Sir :)