Sept 12, 2013

I wanted to do a quick update tonight. Its amazing how quickly i can be rejuvenated by just a little quiet time and reflection. Mastered sent me out tonight to get a glass of wine by myself-no friends no craziness.  Just a chance to sit quietly and just reflect on the last couple of days, i thought about what capable hands i find myself in, what an amazing honest strong smart man Mastered is and how he knows how to bring out the best in me. i'm just calm now, peaceful.

And i had a little present i bought myself waiting at the house when i got home. I am trying a new pighole plug. i really don't mind anything about wearing my current one except for that pokey part at the end. i just always feel liker it is going to hurt me, even after all this time and it really is uncomfortable in a bad way. So i decided to finally get off my butt (get it?? get off my butt, har har) and try a new rounded one. It is larger and the reviews say it can be hard to get in specifically because it is not pointy. But in about an hour i will be testing that. Not worried about the size, its still smaller than gigantor so BRING IT.

The old is on the left, new on the right.
Update after trying: Success!!
i am a moron for not doing this sooner!! Went in like a champ!! i am full and stretched but i can move much better and as an added bonus the base is fatter and round so it doesn't fit in my ass crack-makes me more aware of it and in things like leggings i might just be a little worried it would show....oooooo fun!!


  1. 1. It is amazing what a nice glass of wine can do for a person. I think it is white wine to go with degradation and red wine to go with masochism.

    2. you may be a lot of things, but never a moron. Having read almost all of your postings and having closely (very closely) studied (hard) your posted pix, I can easily see that you are not even close to a moron.

    3. So, you are finally shying away from some pig hole pain. Butt are you total retiring the pointy plug or just for the all day usage. It is unusual for you to not accept all the pain that you are given, often even finding ways to increase it. Great pix of your ass with the plug. And NO, it doesn't make you look fat!

    1. 1. i like your system Sir, lol
      2. Thank you but in this case i am still slapping myself in the forehead.
      3.i thought maybe Mastered would like it as punishment plug or something. its not really pain that i am shying away from it is the possibility (tho very unlikely) that the old plug could do some damage and the need to not move so gingerly on a daily basis-it just inhibited me too much when i need to go on sales calls or ride with others, get in and out of cars etc. and i am doing more out of office calls so i cant be so mindful of every move.

      Thank you for you comment Sir, i really like point number 1, lol

  2. Don't will show :)

    1. one can always hope Sir-thank you for visiting!!
