The Perfect Meeting
This friday, due to a happy coincidence of travel, i got to meet my Master in person. i was able to meet him for 10 brief minutes at the airport in my area. Master instructed me to wear only a long coat, my collar, and high heels and butt plug. Now most of us here have probably donned a similar outfit to surprise a man, perhaps sans butt plug, but that would be a man WE KNOW!!! i was meeting a person that i have only talked to online, i was fully expecting to open my coat and show my naked body (i know, i know I've posted all of these pics-still totally different) and have that stranger touch me, intimately.
But this is what i signed on for right? i have, seemingly, been taking it very seriously, right? And i have been, i love everything that has happened to me and the changes i have made since meeting "Mastered". BUT lets be frank, i fully expected it to fall to pieces upon a real life meeting. The internet only brings heartbreak and disappointment and anyone who expects anything else is doomed to both. That is how i feel about it anyway, perhaps i am cynical. Honestly, though, even with that attitude i was still very excited and as i have been doing thru this whole process i decided just to go with it, stay positive and in the moment and let my body tell me what to do.
So there i am, i arrive naked but for my heels, collar, plug and coat. i walked into the area where we agreed to meet, not terribly nervous- really i feel people are generally too self conscious, most people aren't even noticing you and those that do don't really pay that close attention. Even so i was clearly out of place - dressed in all black, high heels, full makeup, in an area where travel comfort clothes reign. Although i wasn't terribly nervous, i was somewhat, i don't know, exhausted from the tension? You can only be hyper nervous about something for so long before you just kind of give way to calm fatalism. So i found a seat and took the cowards way out: pulled out my phone and occupied myself that way in an effort to make sure HE had to come find ME.
Find me he did, i saw him out of the corner of my eye coming over to me- i don't even know what thoughts went through my head then and suddenly he was right there looking down at me, not friendly, not unfriendly, just asked me straight away "what are you?". i knew what i was supposed to say, I've typed it enough, i even practice on my drives to and from work so that it will eventually sound natural coming out of my mouth. But that is not the same as saying to a man you have never met: "i am a cockwhore, cunt and slut". It took maybe 3 seconds for me to decide to say it , but i had to decide everything in those 3 seconds: physical compatibility, creepiness quotient, safety instinct, whether i could actually behave in the next 10 minutes the way he expected me to. What decided me more than anything was my Masters attitude. i am used to putting people, men, off balance for a variety of reasons. Not because i am so incredibly hot or anything but more because of the way i carry myself, the vibe i put out and i am going to go ahead and say i think i looked pretty damn hot that night. BUT here was a man 20 years older than me, that i would fully expect to stare down and have him run. Instead he acted utterly unimpressed that a hot chick(imho, lol), naked under a coat, was sitting there waiting for him. i didn't sense at all that it was an act-to him this was just how it was supposed to be. And THAT decided it for me, it was all over, i was going with this 100 percent. As i told my friends- his swagger was so insane and real that i could not resist.
So i said what i am -a cockwhore, cunt and slut and when he nodded that he accepted my answer i got up to lead him out to my car. This part i am able to remember pretty well-walking out to my car in the unfortunately well lit parking lot, finding someone double parked behind my car waiting for someone (SERIOUSLY???? THEY HAD TO WAIT RIGHT THERE???) So in an appropriately slutty fashion i found myself leaning against a nearby random van, Master standing in front of my waiting (almost impatiently) for me to open my coat and show myself. This is where everything gets fuzzy. i remember opening my coat, i don't think i could look at his face. i don't remember the order of the touches, i just know his hands were on my ass, checking if i was plugged, hands on my tits pulling my nipples, fingers dipping in my cunt, my mouth opening to clean his fingers. i heard him call me a slut, i think several times but maybe i was just replaying it in my head. i had absolutely no coherent thoughts during this, in fact after the first 10 seconds i didn't even care about holding my coat in a discreet fashion, i am not overstating or being dramatic when i say at that point my whole world was hands on me and a voice in my ear. i think that i almost fully lost control when he reached around tapped my plug several times pushing it deeper in me. I do know at that point that i fell against him, grabbed him and was totally 100 percent out of my mind with lust. i'm sure i was moaning, panting. i swear am not exaggerating at all when i say i was not aware of anything else going on around me.
But just like that it was over, he must have pulled away from me because i certainly wouldn't have ended the contact. He had to go. At that point i start to have real thoughts again but was still pretty much incapable of speech, no witty last comment, as is my wont, i don't think i could have even mustered a goodbye at that point. i know he said something to me as he walked away but i have no idea what it was. i managed to button up my coat walk to my car and get in. i was still in a daze, that was the most intense 5 minutes of my sexual life that did not include an orgasm. i touched my cunt and my juices were just puddling in my seat.
So that was how i met my Master, i think i had been really making strides in thinking like a slave recently (not great strides, but strides none the less) but now, OMG, a man that can make me feel like that? totally lose myself in the moment? i never let go like that. But in a brightly lit parking lot, for 5 minutes i stopped thinking! do you understand that? i had NO thoughts! My mind is everything - its my power- its who i am more than anything else-its my identity-its what i am most proud of- and it shut down in the face of this man touching me. It is all over for me.
First Time i Served Mastered
Last Wednesday i was lucky enough to finally serve my Master in person. i think my excitement over the holidays paled in comparison to how excited i was to feel, in real life, my Masters hands, his crop and (oh god) his cock!-hear his voice, and follow his commands. And i am excited to share what happened.....
I met Mastered at a small hotel bar. i walked in wearing a dress that was pretty inappropriate for the casual setting particularly since we had had weather earlier that day, it was black, short and clingy. i wore black spiked platform heels, no bra or panties and bare legs. Everyone at the bar saw me walk in without a doubt- i was definitely out of place- lots of dark eye shadow, dark red lipstick and of course wild hair. i walked up to Master and sat down, i knew i was not allowed to order from the bartender but had to tell Master so he could order for me, i also was not allowed to look directly at any other man. This was actually easier than i thought it would be since i wasn't thinking of anything BUT Master. When i sat down i turned toward Master and he pushed my legs open a little, enough to be scary but not that obviously, but it did check me right from the start that i was here at and for his pleasure. We had 2 drinks while i got a hold of myself and he told me what was going to happen when we went up stairs. He made me repeat that i am a cockwhore, cunt and slut right there at the bar. It is funny that in the space of probably a half an hour i went from being so nervous i couldn't move to wanting to open my legs more, to pressing my legs against Masters. i started to cross and uncross my legs squeezing my cunt giving my self some quick relief until Master noticed and made me stop-that's cheating i guess. I cant even remember what was going thru my head when we did actually get up to go to his room. i know i was nervous again, could i really do all of the things i was supposed to? would i make Master happy? I had stopped shaking while we sat at the bar but i started again as we went up stairs, i was dizzy (literally) with anticipation.
We walked into the room and after i put down my things i knew i was to take off my dress and put on my dog collar and i did. i stood there naked and eyes looking down while he fondled me, bent me over and ordered me to open my legs to check and see how wet i was and when he discovered i was very wet he began telling me what a slut and pig i am. That was it for me, i started moaning, proving his point, trying to push myself back on him because i really wanted him just to take me right then, i had been waiting soooo long and i was desperate to be fucked. But i knew that wouldn't be coming for a while because first i was to go to an open space in the room to assume a slave position 1 while he did whatever, i just stayed ass up, face down, holes on display like i was ordered. Doing that was so much easier than i thought and i just felt comfortable like that. When he was ready for me he had me come and kneel in front of him eyes down and told me to lick his shoes clean and i did!! With no hesitation whatsoever i did it happily because that is what i had been dying to do for weeks. While he called me a slut and a cunt i licked every inch of his shoes to show how low i am and how much i wanted to please him.
After i had licked his shoes to his satisfaction he attached my leash to my collar, then he took the time to train me the proper way to heel: never crawling in front of him, head up but eyes down, and the proper way to sit when i stop crawling. He pulled the leash tight and led me around the room making me keep up with him and practice. i loved this, it was so right to be crawling by my Masters side, sitting, kneeling, crawling when he told me!! When he was happy with me he led me to the bathroom so i could show him how much i love the toilet and in front of my Master i did what i have been doing for months now, i licked the toilet clean with abandon. (in one of my favorite freeze frame moments in my head i left dark red lipstick on the toilet bowl, i wondered what the maid would make of that, because there was no question that it was lipstick)
He then led me back to my spot to assume my ass up position again. Then, i think, he took off his clothes and kneeled behind me pulling my cunt further open, saw how wet i was still and called me a good fuck pig. He talked about how nicely my asshole was spreading and staying open now, then he slowly maddeningly started to fuck my cunt, when i tried to move to fuck him back he slapped my ass and told me to stay still - that he decides the pace. He just fucked me at his own pace while i moaned and whined. My tits in the clamps rubbing on the floor causing me a lot of pain. Then he slid his cock in one stroke into my ass and fucked me like that, fast but still not enough to let me cum. When he did speed up i had to oink to earn it. Oh what release!! A beautiful hard cock fucking me while i oinked like the fuck pig i am!! Perfection! He pulled out and left me there still in position-when he came back he asked if i wanted to suck Masters cock, with just a seconds thought to the fact that his cock had just been fucking my ass i did beg and he let me. i was happy that when he ordered me to touch my nose to his stomach i was able to, his hand forcing my head helped and i loved that. When he was done using me that way he sent me back to my position. He then leashed me again and took me into the bathroom so i could finally be HIS toilet, of course on the way i was practicing my heel and sit commands. In the bathroom, on my knees he ordered me to take his cock in my mouth and this is where i hesitated. i wanted to be his toilet sooo badly but this is one thing that there has been no way to practice, no way to prepare for so it took a moment and a couple of reiterations by Master. But finally i wrapped my mouth around his cock and then he released his piss into my mouth and while i looked up at him i swallowed his piss!! He went slow and controlled and kept telling me what a good toilet i was. i don't know what i was thinking then, if anything, i just kept swallowing and fullfiling my purpose!!! i guess taking it easy on me Master finished pissing in the real toilet but let me lick it clean after he made a big mess of it.
With the taste of his piss in my mouth he led me back out into the room then pulled out a hood with a gag built in and put it on me, he put a restraint belt around my waist and cuffed my hands to it so they were held at my sides. i was kneeling at the side of the bed with my legs spread wide, i leaned forward and laid my head on the bed and my whipping began. He used a crop on my ass at first, then moved my hair out of the way and used it on my back then on the back of my legs. At first it was easy to take but pretty quickly the gag turned out to be a good idea as i started howling in pain. i stayed in position, i am proud to say, drool running around the gag, my hands clenching and unclenching, moaning and crying. i think Master enjoyed himself, he kept telling me how pretty the marks were. After the crop he brought out the belt and i almost used my safety signal as he whipped me but i didn't want to disappoint him and when he told me that my cunt was literally dripping onto the carpet-he sounded so happy it kept me in position for a while. In one of my absolutely favorite moments of the night at one point i was full on crying and sobbing from the pain and although i didn't use my safety signal i crumpled on the floor after one bad blow with the belt. Master just grabbed me by the hair and pulled me back up to lean on the bed. i love that because there was no mercy in that action, it was so callus and so indicative of his priorities right then and my pain, my comfort was very low on his list. That one action is the beautiful epitome of how i want to be treated. Master gave me a couple of more strokes and then even as i was reeling from the pain he used my dripping cunt, fucking me hard as i cried and came. He also used my ass again telling me what a good fucking slut. i was made me tell him thru the gag that i am a cock whore cunt and slut, tits and ass an cunt and nothing else, a pig, a toilet whore, a fuckthing for men to use, a pisswhore. Finally he fucked my cunt again and then gave me his cum as i cried, drooled and tried to talk thru my gag.
When he took off my hood and let my hands free and i was allowed to lie on the bed for a while. He started talking about the difference between the crop and the belt and the different marks and amounts of pain, he said that he didn't use the cane but he had one with him. That conversation made him bring out the cane to show me and he decided to let me feel it so i laid across the bed unrestrained and he whipped me with it once and the pain was worse than the belt and crop- it wrapped around the side of my hip and i rocked back and forth trying to shake the pain! i guess he liked how it looked so much he did decide to use it on me. i had to lay still while he raised 5 more of those evil welts on my ass. i don't know if Master realized how powerful that moment when he told me to stop moving because i was messing up the marks was for me. When you are restrained of course you have no choice but to take it but when you are free and have to MAKE yourself submit that means your head has to really be about pleasing your Master-to fight every instinct to move either to avoid the pain or to shake it off after you receive it is massive. When you are just laying there and the waves of pain from one hit are allowed to just radiate thru you with no relief that is the point where you lose yourself. i loved that keeping the marks pretty was more important to him than what i was feeling. All i could do was stay still and take it and whimper. At the risk of actually getting what i want, i will say that the cane was my favorite of the 3 implements. Although the belt and crop hurt-i didn't lose myself until the cane-that's the pain where i absolutely ceased to exist. i couldn't take much more that he gave me but id like to try.
Later laying on the bed Master pulled me to him, on our sides-my back to his front, and he slid into my still wet cunt, again and again i oinked for him to fuck me harder, i hoped that was still what i was supposed to do and he certainly didn't stop me. As he fucked me he grabbed my hair so that as i moved my hair was constantly being pulled (i love being manhandled by my hair) and then before i really knew what was going on Master told me he was pissing in my pig cunt while he was fucking me. i lost it, i have never been used in such a nasty way, what disrespect, what degradation, fuck fuck fuck!! that is what i am now! oh my god as he held me by my hair and pissed into his slut i was in a perfect world. Yes this is what i am now now this is what i was always meant to be. Over and over he did that for the next i don't know how long and i am not going to lie i loved it-the physical feeling was nice but the things that did to me mentally and emotionally were astounding and i am grateful to be able to actually feel them rather than just imagine them!
In the morning i got to wake to be used by Mastered again but the night was entirely too short and only gave me a taste of what serving Master could be like. It all felt so natural and right. Master said i did well and that he enjoyed himself and that makes me happy but i want to give more, to be pushed more...
Having written this i will say that i am not entirely sure of the sequence of all these events at this point, i know specific things happened and wrote to the best of my recollection about them but if there are inconsistencies that is why. i was so caught up in the moment there really weren't any thoughts in my head -i just struggled to pay attention to Masters words and do what he said. During that night i literally wasn't thinking anything-the normal chatter that is always going on in your head just stopped as i just zoned in on Masters voice, everything came down to that. For instance when Master told me to lick his shoes i FELT happy but there were not any of the other thoughts that you would assume someone would have, like how gross it is or what the taste is or anything, i just was happy to be following directions. That's the other thing that is kind of shocking to me, how easily i did everything i was told-it felt to me like there was hardly any hesitation when i was given an order (with one minor exception), sometimes i forget that what i have been doing is "training", there are the tasks and acts that i am told to do every day but when you are in the midst of it you forget there is a larger point -which, i think, is to get to the place i was that night- i guess i can say now i have been conditioned to follow his orders. i don't have that old mentality that challenging them is part of the "game" or that it somehow makes it more interesting. i didn't even think of saying no to anything and the time that i hesitated it was more about pushing myself to do it rather than seeing if Master would cave. AND all of it felt so natural and right!! There were things i know i needed to improve on, i got sloppy with my "sirs", and i don't think that i thanked Master at the appropriate times BUT overall Master seemed pleased and that is what is important. i am ready now for another long orgasm dry spell, armed with my thoughts of that night. i am so happy with Masters plan to lock my cunt shut and have it used only by him, i am ready to work harder to get a bigger gape on my asshole (which of course he has started working on already), i am ready to increase my pain tolerance so he can enjoy whipping me for longer. oh i am ready for so much. But i already miss crawling next to him feeling that leash tight in his hand pulling my neck, i already miss my marks, i now only have my cane welts left, i already miss feeling his cock in me while he calls me a pig and i oink begging for more.
slave j and Mastered night 1
On Thursday night i left my house and drove to a hotel to meet my Master. It had been almost 10 months and so much had passed between us during that time i knew that this would be a totally different experience than last time. I was nervous about seeing him, about looking good for him, about the things i knew were going to happen and the things i didn't know were going to happen.
I drove to the hotel and per my instructions from Mastered called him when i was out in front of the hotel so he could come collect the bags and tub of toys etc. i had my back turned opening the trunk when i first heard his voice. Of course i cant remember what he said i just remember turning and seeing him and hugging him, burying my face in his neck. i don't know why but i have a hard time looking directly at him at these times so i kind of like to hide my face in his neck and shoulder area, i never put my face over his shoulder like you would in a normal hug, i like turning "in to" him if that makes sense. He gave me a couple of minutes out in the drive way to feel him and then grabbed the bags and sent me down to the bar to wait for him. Now i know my Master and what he expects of my public behavior so when i got to the bar and sat down and the male bartender approached, i quickly said, with my eyes down, that i was waiting for a friend before i ordered. FINALLY Mastered gets back and sits next to me and ordered for us. We had 2 or 3 drinks, don't even ask me what we talked about, i turn into a blithering idiot when i am around him for some reason, my fabulous conversational wit is out the window. I find it is better to stay quiet a) because Mastered likes that and b) it stops me from sounding like an idiot (sadly for Mastered i got more comfortable as the weekend progressed and did speak more).
Just a quick aside about the bar and my appearance (which will be expanded upon in Night #2 and becomes just insane on day 3), it is a tiny bar, upscale but probably about 20 ft by 20 ft, with low tables and 4 stools at the bar proper. While it is upscale it is mainly an airport hotel, people who are staying there have just flown all day, are tired and dressed comfortably. My dress (as shown on my BlogSpot) was not appropriate AT ALL and it was clear from my attire and our body language what Mastereds and my agenda was. I could feel every set of eyes on me every time i got up to go to the restroom, men and women both-but with quite different thoughts i am sure. I felt someone sit at the bar stool to my back which seemed unnecessarily close to me because there was seating other places. i knew it was a man so i didn't look around to see how close he was. Mastered told me later that as i walked away once they spoke about me and how i looked and apparently Mastered said to him if i played my cards right i might get lucky that night. Now i know everyone was thinking i was there to be fucked, obviously, but i love that he was speaking to others about his slut in such a casually objectifying way. Soon enough though it was time for us to be alone and we left the bar amid, i am sure, female eye rolls and male gawking.
Ahhhhhhh walking thru that hotel room door and knowing any public pretense was dropped i actually lost some of my nervousness, this is my arena with Mastered, not chatting but getting naked and getting on my knees is what is natural between us and what i have been waiting for. As soon as we get in the room Mastered starts giving me orders. "Take off your dress". i love this moment when i pull my dress off and stand naked in front of Master, so right!!!!!!! Right away Mastered came up to me and roughly pinched a nipple and pulled HARD, he asked me if i was a pig-already in so much pain i squealed over and over "i am a pig" until he let go, then he repeated with the other nipple pulling and pinching ruthlessly until i said i was a pig enough to please him. He then told me to put on my nipple clamps. (i have to add that i was so close to getting my period i was worried it would come during the visit-it didn't but even that morning when i woke up my tits were SORE, like "holy shit my tits are sore" kind of sore).
After that, barely glancing at me (love it), he told me to get gigantor and get it in my pighole. i have to explain here that the ass fisting had to happen first and kind of right away because he had told me that if i had not worked my ass sufficiently to get it fisted there would be no cock for me!! i squatted down over gigantor and started working it into my pighole. I could feel Mastered looking down at me as i did that, not touching me just watching as i slowly get that big head in me then start sliding up and down to get it deep inside me. At some point Mastered ordered me up on the bed on all fours with gigantor hanging out of me. He left me like that for a couple of minutes-that is a very exposed and obscene feeling and of course i love it. He came back and started working the dildo further in me, fucking me with it- such a different feeling than doing it myself! All the while he was working with me he was talking to me, calling me pig, ordering me to relax, open my legs more. Then it was time for his fist. This is something i have never had in either hole and i don't know if others feel this way but to me it all came down to trust-real damage can be done in this area. Will he go to hard, too far, too rough? But my Master kept talking to me-in that commanding matter of fact way that i love. "Open up Pig", "Your doing good pig, my fist is getting in there", and impatient when i would tense or try to move away "ASS UP pig". There was the great feeling of fullness, of more stretching which i want and cant get now that i am used to gigantor. And Mastered was perfect, the right pressure the right speed, i NEVER felt like i was about to be hurt. Every minute that passed i relaxed, i trusted more. i know this should be all about being nasty and a dirty pig but what i came away with was how safe i can feel doing anything with M. But once his knuckles passed into my pighole i could tell he was happy, almost gleeful when he told me "pig my whole fist in is in you, that hole is so fucking open and big", i was just a moaning jabbering mess ( a theme frequently revisited during our time together) while he fucked my ass with his fist-ALL the while talking to me-i love hearing his voice, those nasty words, degrading phrases while he manipulates my body. After he was satisfied with working my ass i finally got my reward! It had been ten months since my cunt had been filled. Maybe once or twice with a dildo but at a certain point Mastered put an end even to that. To feel fat cock slide in my cunt was luscious, i had literally (honestly) forgotten how it felt, that ache inside from a cunt fucking, i know that juices were running down my legs. i think for a while my asshole stayed open and i love that visual: Master behind me fucking me looking down to see my asshole gaping open from being fisted-so he can now see with his own eyes that the ways he wants my body to change are actually happening. He can know 100 percent while he is fucking my tight cunt that after him all i will get is cocks in my ass that i will barely feel, that i will really only be a cum dump for anyone other than him. I LOVE IT.
i don't know exactly what position or act happened when or in what order, when i was sucking cock or getting fucked-it was just a blur of cumming, moaning and mindlessness for me. At some point i do remember that Mastered grabbed my face and slapped me hard. Is there anything more awesome than a face slap? Many many women will go for an ass slapping but i think taking/wanting your face slapped shows that you understand your position as a worthless piece of shit. He slapped me over and over, hard-each time i had to say i was a stupid fucking pig-he did it until i stopped flinching....and i just wanted more. My jaw was sore the next day but i loved touching it, reminding myself. At some point he also got me off with his hand -hitting my g spot over and over causing literal gushes of cum out of me-i am addicted to his hand now. Then more fucking, enough ass slapping with his hand to leave marks the next day. All the while hearing him call me nothing but "pig", telling me the only cock i get to enjoy is his, that other than that i am nothing but a hole for men to cum in. i am writing this part in a stream of consciousness way trying to communicate the sensory overload i was in, the chaos in my head. My body was stimulated in every way. Just overwhelming. After all of this Mastered asked if i wanted his cum and i think a scream was ripped out of me saying yes, god how bad did i want that??? my only purpose was to take his cum, nothing else would have even counted if i didn't get that!!!!!! So at looooooooooooong last not only did i get my Masters cock in my cunt i got his cum as well.
We stayed up talking for awhile- about what im not sure. i do know he told me how happy he was with my stretched pighole, i liked hearing how it stayed open for awhile, i liked when he showed me the size of his fist. I talked about how no one had made me squirt like that before. i think we were both just really happy about how i had performed- his training got to be shown in real life. At some point we fell asleep. I woke up to a slap on my ass and a cock being thrust right into my cunt-i sleep on my side with my back to him so i am already perfectly positioned for this without even waking. On our sides he has one hand grabbing my hip and the other grabbing and pulling my hair to keep me in the position he wants. He didn't cum with that first fucking of the day- there were several more before 10 oclock and i was never asked or consulted just bent over and fucked. By the time i was ready to go home i smelled of his cologne and sex. Mastered asked me if i wanted to shower before i left but i actually like that post sex nasty feeling..i am writing this only so that i can add that after that he called me stinky pig....and i know it is shocking but i loved it.
slave j and Mastered night 2
i left the hotel after night #1 and went home for a couple of hours to regroup, check on the dog, and take my time getting ready for dinner on night #2. i wanted to get ready at the house so i could have my "wow" moment when Mastered saw me. He indulged me in this little vanity. So i got ready at home. Much like the prior night my outfit was overly sexy for the venue, perhaps a bit sleeker than the last dress. i picked it for our dinner out night because it has a high collar and i know Mastered likes that. But it was tight, black and semi backless. i wore my "bdsm" heels with silver studs in them ( i will try to post a pic over on BlogSpot). i am not telling you all of this just because i think it was a fabulous outfit (though it was
The night before i had developed a tiny bit of immunity to walking thru the lobby and around the hotel looking like a call girl, inappropriately dressed and tits bouncing free. i just kept my head up and carried myself proud to be Mastereds pig. i actually really just started to enjoy internalizing that this is how every single one of these people i walk past are seeing me and you know what? What they are thinking about me is true. i am a skank, a dirty pig whore here to be fucked. Having to be aware of that helped me feel my place and i loved it. BUT........BUT......BUT.....when i walked into the lobby on night #2 at 6 pm there was a USO event being held. Do you know who goes to USO events? Wives and mothers, that's who. Wives and mothers in pastel capri pants and keds. So here comes slave J, slut gear in full effect, heavy make up, tits still free, sparkly jewelry, hooker shoes strutting straight through the event to go to Mastereds room. But i kept my head up, found the humor of the situation and again just had to acknowledge that what they were thinking was true. But i made it thru the gauntlet and got to Mastereds room and was gratified by my "wow" moment, Mastered was very complimentary. After a couple of minutes we get ourselves together and go back down to the bar. This time i got to walk the gauntlet with Mastered, now he is 20 years older than me, make of that what you will but imagine the looks now from the wives and mothers handing out homemade gift baskets and collecting donated comforters. yeah. As we approach the entrance to the bar we hear that it is crazy loud, glancing thru the window as we approach i see, god i don't know, maybe 15 soldiers in uniform crowding the tiny bar. i keep my head up and my eyes down as we cross thru the doorway grabbing for Mastereds hand. i swear, i swear, i swear they all went silent as i walked in the bar. i did not see this because i was looking down but Mastered told me one soldier jumped to stand at attention and said something complimentary. i heard M laugh and respond but i had no awareness of the words being exchanged i was just (again) overwhelmed by my situation: clearly a pigslut, in a tiny room surrounded by NOTHING but men all looking at me and knowing exactly what the deal was. Mastered always held my hand or had his hand on my back until we were seated so i didn't feel adrift and he was clearly marking his property. Once seated at the bar it was another male bartender so Mastered ordered and i kept my eyes on him. Slowly the tone of the room picked up again and we could just focus on us. The room slowly emptied out as this particular group of guys had to catch their flight. We decided to stay in the bar for dinner instead of moving to a restaurant since it had gotten quiet. And we had a lovely dinner.
In another life i am usually so dead set on putting any man in his place and taking charge that i don't really have the chance to enjoy the genlemans touch but i have to say it was really nice throughout the whole weekend to have someone else take care of everything, be solicitous of what i wanted, take charge of everything. It is a throwback to order through the man, but the servers quickly took the hint and stopped really checking with me if i needed anything and just asked Mastered. He handled the money, the talking, i just had to sit there and look pretty. On some level it was a relief and luxury and if i am being completely frank i will miss it. i also have to say i will miss the rush of being so clearly visually defined as a slut-it was nerve wracking but again i really kind of enjoyed having my face rubbed in it. We stayed, perhaps a bit too long at the bar for dinner as another group of GIs had come in so although there was not the shock value of when i initially walked in i was still the only woman surrounded by 15-20 manly men who knew at a glance what was going on as we walked out, my hand wrapped around Mastereds arm.
I knew what Mastered had scheduled for this nights activity and it was 100 whippings on my cunt with his crop. Before even being told when we walked into the room i took off my dress-it is easy to undress when you are only wearing one article of clothing. Mastered put my restraints on my wrists and ankles- this is something i love, Mastered preparing me, putting the restraints on, rather than telling me to, Mastered putting on the nipple clamps for me-while these acts are not necessarily tender they seem intimate to me and i like it, i feel like it is an extension of him taking care of me (more about this on day 3). Mastered had put hooks into the top of either side of the tall head board and attached chains to each one, the chains were attached to my ankle restraints pulling my legs up and open and then my wrists were attached to my ankles so i was fully immobilized. I was also blindfolded and had my inflatable gag in.
i have to admit i had no idea what i was in for with this one, for some insane reason i thought this would not be that bad and honestly the first couple of strokes went fairly easy on my open cunt. i was without a doubt making noises into my gag but by stroke number 10 i knew i was in trouble. Mastered was counting them out and would stop at intervals of 10. He would give me a minute and then ask if i was ready for the next 10. He was relentless during each series of 10 only stopping maybe to call me a name or tell me he could see my body getting turned on as my cunt opened up, spread open looking for cock. Starting around 30 or 40 when he asked me if i was ready for the next 10 i had started just wailing into my gag. That is the most delicious torment. To have to say "yes, start the next set". It would have been easier to just have him go on his own pace and just take it than to be complicit in my own torture. Each time i heard the question i could barely even formulate an answer in my head let alone get it together enough to nod or shake my head. i don't know for sure but at a certain point i think i was probably making continuous noises. i remember thinking: just power thru so when Mastered asked me if i was ready i would just nod yes and begin wailing again. I may be wrong but i don't think i said to wait at all. I remember 80 and up as the worst pain i have felt, i wasn't just making noises i was sobbing-with tears. i have no real coherent thoughts about that time...pain...pain...pain. But on a different level happy that i could offer this up to Mastered, i was glad there was a pain i couldn't handle, i was glad this was costing me-that's what i want to give to him. i do remember stroke 100, i remember it EXACTLY, it went off to the side, hit my right cunt lip instead of right on my open Mastered said it didn't count and stroke 101 landed right on my clit just like the others had. When it was done Mastered let my legs down-keeping my wrists chained to my ankles and removed my blindfold. i could tell he was happy with my tearstained face as i lay there trying to recover. i was still sniffling and crying, ankles and wrists still chained when he made me awkwardly maneuver myself to the edge of the bed so i could suck his cock in gratitude.
At some point he did unhook my ankles from my wrists so that i could lay stretched out, somehow my blindfold went back on and suddenly i was being splattered with hot wax. Drip drip drip allllllllllllllll over my body. This, again, is entirely different when someone else is doing it. Myself i KNOW i am not going to hurt myself but with someone else, someone else i cant see doing it i just had to trust, i had to believe that although some drops felt like i was on fire Mastered would be safe with me. My mind was still swirling with the pain from my cunt and then layer on the pain from the wax it is safe to say that there wasn't a thought in my head, just stimulus, pain, excitement, a deep basic animal place where there are not thoughts just feelings.
My memory gets really shaky at this part. I think after Mastered had waxed me front and back, cunt and asshole he unchained my wrists from my ankles and I THINK i just dropped to the floor or tried to hug him and then dropped to the floor and kissed his feet. i think i remember him saying "that's right pig kiss my feet". Something like that happened but it is all just a blur. All i know was that at that point he was the only thing that existed for me, i don't know if i was begging him to stop, to keep going or thanking him. i truly don't know. i know there was pain and there was need. At one point i found myself standing, bent over the bed and finally his cock was in my abused cunt, i just remember animal fucking. i don't know if he was talking, i was zoned completely out. i do know he came in my cunt, used me the way i am supposed to be used and then as i leaned there disoriented, used, incapable of thought i could tell he was using my cunt as his urinal, pissing in his toilet whore. When he pulled his cock out of me and his piss ran down my legs into my shoes and on the floor he said in, possibly the most hardcore mean voice i have heard from him, "pig go get a towel and clean up your mess". i tottered into the bathroom with his piss still running out of my hole and grabbed towels to catch the mess. Once it emptied out of me i, still unsteadily, went back into the room and cleaned up the carpet as Mastered laid down and turned on the TV.
God i loved night #2.
slave j and Mastered day 3
i woke up on day 3 the same way i woke up on day 2, with a slap on my ass and then a cock driving into my cunt, hand on my hip and a hand pulling my hair. None of that tentative caressing that so often accompanies a morning fuck, the tacit request, nope just a slap to wake me up and let me know to move my ass back towards him and a cock fucking me immediately. After the initial fucking the day started off normally: showers and then down to the restaurant for a nice leisurely brunch and kill some time while the room was getting cleaned. The outfit for the day was leggings, platform pumps and a thin light grey t-shirt. Doesn't sound to bad right? And it really wasn't except the thinness and light color of the t-shirt made my swollen and constantly erect nipples not just evident but the center of attention when i walked, not to mention that though they might be small my tits are perky and jiggly so every time i walked any where it was still very evident that i was a skanky cunt. By this point i was just so resigned to the looks i didn't even try to hide the evidence. i was just "that whore" by now i am sure-too bad it couldn't be explained to all of these people that i was actually lower than a whore since i wouldn't bother charging for the use of my holes.
By the time the room was cleaned i had let my nervousness build but i was getting used to automatically performing certain behaviors, when we got to the room i just walked in and took of my clothes without a thought. Mastered, always prepared and with a plan, started writing on me...fuck meat, pig, please fuck me. And then he put my restraints on wrist and ankles again, i put on my blindfold and this time he lead me around positioned me took some picks lead me back to the bed. I love this the same way i love when he puts my restraints on me. Feeling his hands guide me, always sure, never accidentally telling me to take a wrong step or sit down to early. Hands that are firm in their control, a little impatient when i don't trust his direction and hesitate. i wanted to be dependent on him, on his guidance. When i laid down on my back and felt his hands connect my wrists to the chains i wasn't scared, just excited.
Then.....then... i had the most sensual experience of my life. i felt the flogger hit my skin. i don't know if it was on my tits, my stomach, or my legs but i could not get enough. Hearing the snap, so loud we were worried it would be heard out in the hallways. Over and over the flogger moved up and down my entire body. Mastered had positioned me on my back with my hands chained out to the sides and legs bent and propped open. i don't know if he did it on purpose or not but that flogger just wouldn't hit my cunt and THAT is what i found myself desperate for. i remember thinking to my self that if i opened my legs more he wouldn't be able to resist but it still didn't come. Just on my legs, my inner thighs (tantalizingly, tortuously close to my cunt) my stomach again, my tits. Then from the other side back down my body. i started raising my cunt up begging as best i could with my gag in. i know Mastered knew what i wanted. i was desperate!!! Oh and then i finally got it. Fuck yes! i love that flogger! It hurt, it definitely hurt but it was like a massage that hurt. Then i would feel Mastereds hands rubbing my sore body, then feel the flogger drag over my skin, the tendrils drag over my cunt after a solid smack. i was out of my mind with a dripping desperate cunt in a matter of minutes. i don't know how i looked but i imagine it was wanton, gyrating, moaning lifting my cunt to beg for more. i was sad when he stopped and unchained me. I remember he offered me a water bottle and i dribbled over myself trying to drink i was in such a state. i couldn't put 2 words together. He gave me a couple of minutes to breath and then i rolled over and he rechained my wrists and went at my back, the back of my legs and the result was the same except now i was raising my ass trying to make my cunt as big a target as possible, then i remember grinding on the bed while the flogger came down on me. By the time Mastered was done and took off my blindfold i couldn't even focus my eyes, i couldn't move, i just laid there breathing feeling every inch of my body tingle, dizzy and floating.
After a while i came down a little and got dressed and we decided to get an afternoon cocktail back down at the bar. But even after dressing, walking and getting a drink i was still dizzy, i could manage one or two word responses. i was more than content to sit quietly floating at the bar drinking my bloody mary while M watched football. A lot of the servers were familiar with us by now- so i had really stopped paying attention to them in terms of worrying about what they thought-that ship had sailed and i just tended to avoid eye contact. So i really didn't pay too much attention to a woman who came to the bar and started doing some work until we both happened to look directly at each other and simultaneously said " OMG!!! how are you???". Yep, i had run smack dab into someone i knew. i was still floating and dizzy, tits poking obscenely thru my t-shirt sitting with Mastered and ran into someone i knew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once i realized i knew her it started to dawn on me i had seen her around during our visit but because i wasn't looking directly at many people i never realized who she was. So, yeah, she had seen enough to know the situation. But in truth at this point and in the state i was in i was pretty much just like "fuck it", in a cheerful way. She wasn't someone i saw regularly and probably would not see again for quite a while, so no harm no foul. Just one of those things, though, that you simply can not believe the odds. However i am pretty convinced at this point that everything that happened in that damn hotel bar was a conspiracy to put me soundly in my slutty place.
After a time we went back to the room for my second session. Eager doesn't cover it! Again Mastered took care of me, handled me, restrained me and started with the flogger and i went right back into my zone but i knew things had been too easy. That is not Mastereds way- i have to pay for good things. I realized as soon as it hit my nipple that the crop was out. My poor sore swollen nipples were smacked over and over with that crop, just back and forth flicking again and again...but this i also loved. i tried with all my might to keep my arms straight out, to not flinch and to push my tits out to make them better targets for Mastereds crop. i wanted more but i also wanted to make him happy and proud of his pig, begging for more abuse. He alternated between crop and flogger, moved from one side to another, would stop all together for minutes i never knew what was going to hit me next and i really didn't try to anticipate because everything hurt and everything was wonderful. i just tried to keep my legs wide open to show i would take any abuse on my cunt and keep my tits thrust out, trying to offer up as many places as could for his abuse. After a while, i don't know how long, he unchained me and gave me a minute to catch my breath before i turned over and gave him my back. But this time when he rechained me i was kneeling with my legs spread, ass up, face on the bed and my arms stretched out in front of me attached to the chains. i felt the flogger hit my back and wiggled my ass, now just blatantly begging for cock. Instead i got the crop on each leg right under my ass, in the soft, sensitive crease. And just when i thought it was going to get worse i felt Master mount me!!!! i felt him slide his cock into my wet hole, fucking me!!!! i was spewing gibberish through my gag. When i felt the flogger hit me as he was fucking me i thought i would die from the pleasure, that was probably the most perfect fucking i have ever had. i was saying Master over and over again through the gag, sobbing again but from straight pleasure this time. i have never felt anything like that before. i came and came and came, i am pretty sure M did as well but i will admit that all i was aware of right then was my body. When it was over i was unchained and just fell flat on the bed in a stupor.
As always we get to a part that i am not too clear on. i know i laid there unchained and ungagged for a while and i heard Mastered moving around- i don't know if he warned me or if he took me by surprise but the next thing i felt was the UNMISTAKABLE bite of the cane. I pushed my face into the pillow i was laying on and screamed. The cane is the most vicious pain, it hits you and gets worse as your body realizes what happens, then it lingers. It is a pain i cant help but move from. It is a pain that doesn't cause a moan but a straight scream. i got 3 or so on one side of my ass and then a pause. i am sure words were exchanged- i know M just kept telling me to keep my face in the pillow and STAY STILL. i was dizzy from pain immediately, sweat breaking out on me. i didn't understand why for the worst pain i was unrestrained and gagged. It actually turned out to be crueler that way because i had to control myself, thru this incredible pain i had to keep my head enough to stifle my own screams and not roll over or try to escape the hits. Mastered moved to the other side of my ass to keep things even and i had to take the same number on that side. Then he moved onto my thighs, i was pressing my face so hard into the pillow i literally couldn't breathe but i knew if i let my face up i would scream out loud. i took a quick gulp of air as he moved to my other thigh. This was worse than 100 crops on the cunt, worse than anything, and worst of all I HAD TO KEEP CONTROL OF MYSELF. Hearing M sound so happy about how pretty the marks were helped a little, even in this state making him happy registered with me. When he started on my back i really didn't know if i could take it. If i could have screamed-really screamed, no gag, no muffling, just lose all control and let it out i might have been able to take more but that was impossible. i don't know how he did it but just when i was about to roll over and scream and kick to get away from the pain it was over. The thing is, he had to have some idea of how far i could go, how much i could take because everything evened up on both sides of my body. How does he know me like this? When it was done i couldn't move, pain still radiated out from each mark-the cane is an evil bitch. But i cant deny that even as i laid there still in shock by the sudden unexpected assault when i heard him talking more about how pretty it looked, when i felt his hands touch my marks i was elated. His voice was so happy it made it worth all of the pain.
About 15 minutes later i was sitting up and having some water and you know what i started to think? i wonder if he will do more if i ask.
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