maintenance note

Hi! You may have noticed i have changed the background and color template of the blog..just got tired of the old.  However i notice that if you view my blog via the BlogSpot app it does not look as pretty. So just a note to let everyone who does have the app that if you just view via the website and don't bother with the app it looks cleaner. i don't think the new format effects how the pics look and i am going to take a stab here and say that is probably of primary importance to fact now that i think of it some of you maybe saying "Huh she changed the format -didn't notice" LOL. But i did just want to take a minute to give that pointer. thanks for coming via app or or website...:)


  1. Thank you for coming back. Remember, I told you at SF that a slut like you cant live otherwise :)

    Be safe,
    Master Karan

    1. yes you did and i remember that, i jsut needed time to figure it out for myself and to get centered enough to share again. thank you for coming back!
