November 14 2014

Ummm did i just say in my last post there are not that many epiphanies?  Well i don't know if what i am going to write about qualifies as exactly that but it is something i am struggling with yet excited by.  If your here you have probably seen the new profile pic.  So now the face i present to the world is my pig face.

I have had a profile pic with a mask on before, it was a while ago, but it was just a regular bondage mask. i hated that pic, not so much because of the mask but because i hated how my body looked. The mask was a minor irritant just contributing to the gestalt of a big hulking monster vibe. But because i hated the whole picture so much i couldn't really even focus on how the mask made me feel. But now in the profile pic i am happy with every aspect EXCEPT the mask and now i can zero in on how that makes me feel.

The obvious statement is that it makes me less "ME". Without expression, with that blank pig look i am just an anonymous body devoid of personality.  i know that is what i am "supposed" to be anyway but we all know that isn't technically the case or you wouldn't be over here reading this-clearly i am a person, i have a distinct personality damn it!!!!! But i worry about the new people who join and see me-anyone here (reading this) has had time to get to know me, but for new people that will be their first impression of me and if they don't investigate the blogs etc i will be forever imprinted in their mind that way.  Think about it-the people you talk to on SF no matter what their current pic is if you close your eyes and have to think of them its probably the pic they had when you first met them that pops into your head. So right there the pic is successful in diminishing "ME" in a very real way- they will literally think of me as a pig forever. Then even for those who have been familiar with me for a while i wonder how many videos (2 posted in a row) and pics before "I" start to fade in their minds. Its kind of like how you are told that if you are attacked you are supposed to say your own name a lot, talk about yourself so that the attacker starts to see you as a person-this is the opposite, there is less and less of me for people to identify as a person.  As this goes on with that unchanging pig face i become less and less without people even realizing there is a shift in their thinking- a totally subconscious thing.

Then there is VANITY!! i know the pig thing is not everyones cup of tea and i, furthermore, know that the only cup of tea i should be concerned about is Mastereds but...but... i am human (for a while longer anyway) and i see that the rates are lower for the pig stuff.  Those that are on board love it but some who watch me, look at me, pleasure themselves to me will not be into it and that bothers me, i can not lie. Part of that is knowing that M is knowingly making me less attractive, maybe, just because he can. Tied to that is the certainty that there are those that will be mocking, not out loud i am sure, but still, maybe to a friend in pm " jesus did you see J? i would never do that! ugh who would even find that hot she just looks ridiculous?" (if that seemed convincing its because that's what i would probably think if i had seen something like this a year ago). i don't like to be made fun of, i mean who does? And there is already another task i have been assigned that will make me behave and be seen in an even more animal-like fashion (i wont ruin the surprise).

Now the flip side to this, as always, is that these exact same things are exciting to me and i am going to do my best to push thru this first hard part, to stay open to being more of a pig, less of an individual and whatever that brings. When i told Mastered some of what my worries were his response was "it's what I demand and want from you and it's what YOU are, the PIG, a naked fuck pig in front of everyone to look at and make fun of or talk about and you can't do a thing about it as you know it's your place"  and that was what i needed to hear-i bring myself back to that statement when i get freaked out about how i am viewed.  When i switched out the pic there was only a small part of me that was excited at all of these thoughts-the freaked out part was bigger.  Now i am really getting into it.  I am looking forward, for the most part, to the task that Mastered has set for me, looking forward to showing everyone that is how Mastered wants me to behave and that i am happy not only following his orders but actually happy to be behaving like that in any case, comfortable in my skin and in my mentality.  Well maybe im not THAT ok with it yet but i am getting there!!  Mastered knows what is deep in my mind, where i really want to be, WHAT i really want to be so i just make myself do what he says when i am feeling scared and lost and usually i get to a place where i am happier and more at peace than i thought possible. 

So in an effort to further embrace the pig in me, here are some of the pics that didn't get selected as the profile pic.

i do take some small comfort in the fact that my ass looks fabulous!!!


  1. This is so beautiful. You truly are a pig. I do want to see you like a real pig in a mud pit outdoors.... enjoying in the filth like you should. Anyways, wonderful work. Always a pleasure to visit your blog.

    1. Hello Sir, i think Mastered would like to see that as well-it is getting a bit chilly for that here and frankly difficult to find a place i could do it but i have thought of alternatives, like laying plastic in my basement or something-so either way stay tuned im sure at some point sooner or later i will find myself in mud. thank you for your comment and thank you for taking the time to come read!!!

  2. vert nice pink pig!

    1. Thank you Sir-always nice to see you over here!!

  3. You are correct that first impressions can be extremely long lasting. However they get replaced with a newer, more complete perception of the person if that information is received. If first impressions remained forever I'd think several of my friends where complete assholes.

    Since you have a pig mask as your S.F. profile pic, many people will just see the pig. The vast majority of S.F.'s members just perv the pictures and don't contribute or participate in the community. Why does it matter what they think? So they see you as a pig? They see other people as disembodied tits or cunts? Someone who is actually part of the community for more than a few days will come to see pig is just one side of the woman.

    Did you photoshop the tail in these pictures or were you finally able to find one that actually is pink?


    1. Thank you for your comment Sir NM, as Mastered said below i painted the tail-i knew he was looking at these for profile pics and it would have made me INSANE to have to look at the incorrectly colored tail every time i logged on so i finally just painted it!

      i think what i was really trying to get at in this post is the loss of identity that we all claim to aspire to. its a complex topic because both M and s say subs are nothing but holes etc, right? and on a certain level YES that is what both sides really want but it is a hard thing to really accomplish for exactly the reasons you state. That is part of why i focus on those pervs that just come in and view-that is as close to being really honestly TOTALLY objectified, especially with the mask on that i will get and that is the feeling i am trying to get in touch with so its not that i care what they think in general but i care in so far as it gets me in touch with that feeling.

      Regarding the profile pic and first impressions what i meant is that in general when we think of someone we have befriended on the site there is a mental image that pops up when thinking of them that may be more likely to be frozen in time-not how you view the personality but just that image, for instance you could change your profile pic 20 times but you will always be a giant cock being lugged around buy some slave girls, lol

      i hope my responses made sense - i really wanted to get back to you but i am not firing on all cylinders today.

      Thank you so much for your comment Sir and taking the time to come visit over here.

  4. I can help you on that last part NM, as I asked the same thing, I came to find out she painted it the same color as the mask. I like it!

  5. Slave J

    As usual a very good entry! continue the good work. Lovely pig hood. Recently you mentioned that Mastered may place you on 24/7 diaper training. Is still an idea or soon you will be doing it?
    Also do you think that you could post what you are wearing after Mastered decided?



    1. He has not revisited that topic with me but that doesn't mean anything- i will probably just wake up one day and find out (tho i am worried about the expense-diapers aint cheap, lol). at any rate i don't think it is off the table and i do know that there is some diaper stuff coming up at some point. Rest assured that when anything does come up i will share anything i can, and anything i don't write about i am ALWAYS happy to answer in comments. thank you for following and for your question!

  6. Thank for the reply, may be the solution is to use recycle nappies so you can enjoy to wear them, use them and clean them in order to reduce the coast?! JB
