and now for something completely different

Last night was one of the first fall nights here and i was dressed in comfy sweats, nice and warm even though there was a crisp chill in the air. As a lover of fall and a lover of comfy clothes i was in heaven.  Later I was talking with a friend of mine, joking about how different i looked right then than i do in the pics i post and he asked me to send him a quick pic, which i did. We both chuckled and then he asked if i was going to post the pic on my blog and i was like HELL NO! but now i think: hey this is me too so what the hell.  Meet Slave J, winter version. LOL

i feel like i should get points for having an off the shoulder flashdance style sweatshirt in even the most casual circumstances. lol

still not the obscene pics i promised

i cant really explain it but master or not, i still only really feel complete when i am plugged. these pictures are of me just chilling in bed...feeling complete (of course its after an ass fucking session that caused me to squirt all over, lol.)


maintenance note

Hi! You may have noticed i have changed the background and color template of the blog..just got tired of the old.  However i notice that if you view my blog via the BlogSpot app it does not look as pretty. So just a note to let everyone who does have the app that if you just view via the website and don't bother with the app it looks cleaner. i don't think the new format effects how the pics look and i am going to take a stab here and say that is probably of primary importance to fact now that i think of it some of you maybe saying "Huh she changed the format -didn't notice" LOL. But i did just want to take a minute to give that pointer. thanks for coming via app or or website...:)


Hello everyone!! these are not the obscene pics i promised (still have to buy something to accomplish those ;) ) and most of you will have seen these on SF already, for those who have stumbled on me from some place other than there these pics are for a monthly theme-this months was back to school.

Tho these were posted on SF i wasn't able to post the facial pics and i have to admit that i usually hate all face pictures of me but these ones i actually liked so i am indulging my vanity and posting them here.  To even out for that i am also posting some of my ass reddened by a ruler..they did not turn out as well as i would have liked so i did not submit them for the theme  but, as i said, consider it a little trade off for the non dirty pics. LOL

I could not get that damn apple to stay balanced to save my life- i was really disappointed this one didn't work out

Luxury Dungeon

Hi everyone. i felt like recently i had been posting a lot of pictures that were kind of aggressive visually, Domme-ish so i wanted to get back to my roots and do a "softer" set. i remember once M told me that i should just be kept chained in a luxurious room..waiting to serve. so i thought about that and i threw down some velvet blankets and put on my chain and rolled around in my "dungeon" for these. There is one i really like that reminds me of a Franz Franzetta pic (the one where i am stretched out) probably the earliest and most socially acceptable visual of what turned me on as a kid.

My "dungeon" is actually my finished basement but i have turned it into a studio of sorts, i am hoping to put a rod on that wall that will allow me to hang diff fabrics behind me during different pics..its a work in progress. the lighting is not great which is why i keep getting these slightly over exposed pics but i will work it out.

Next on the agenda, in a further effort to get back to my roots, is something obscene...stay tuned..thats all i will tell you ;)

and now my favorite.....