and now for something completely different

Last night was one of the first fall nights here and i was dressed in comfy sweats, nice and warm even though there was a crisp chill in the air. As a lover of fall and a lover of comfy clothes i was in heaven.  Later I was talking with a friend of mine, joking about how different i looked right then than i do in the pics i post and he asked me to send him a quick pic, which i did. We both chuckled and then he asked if i was going to post the pic on my blog and i was like HELL NO! but now i think: hey this is me too so what the hell.  Meet Slave J, winter version. LOL

i feel like i should get points for having an off the shoulder flashdance style sweatshirt in even the most casual circumstances. lol


  1. You can't fool me...that is not catwoman lol ;)

    1. you caught me, of course that is not me, i am only ever in lingerie or naked. LOL

  2. Your fertile mind is a joy. So glad you have returned to share.

    Sir Rumford

  3. When can we expect some more post I'm wating patiently 😉

    1. LOL, i appreciate your patience, i actually did 3 sets in pretty short order so i needed a little break AND i have been sick all this week AND i need to purchase a "prop" for my next series. i am hoping for more photos next weekend but that is not a promise, lol. tho i am thinking of trying to write about something this weekend, see if i can get back in the writing groove-if that counts. xoxo

  4. Gee, I didn't recognize you with your clothes on!!! And no shoes on! Is that really you under all of that fabric? Glad to see you are back writing and posting pix again. Too bad Orioles beat the Tigers. Hope you are feeling better now - and ready to get down and dirty again - all naked!!

    1. i am better for the most part and hope to do some work this weekend on the blog. glad to see you commenting again!
