Feb 28 2013 (2)

there are some days that just .....wow...that just... i don't even have words for.

i am going to talk about something that i haven't so far because i don't want to hear any sanctimonious shit from anyone about how i am missing out on something on a deeper level yadda yadda yadda.  This is my truth and damn it i am going to put all of it out here. Here it goes:  Mastered and i don't know each other, we don't know each others history except for some bare minimums that are needed to communicate effectively. We don't know what each others hopes and dreams are. We don't know each others favorite foods.  None of that. We know THIS stuff about each other. Its what we talk about, what we think about when we interact. emotions don't play a big part at all. i do not love him nor he me. We serve a purpose, very effectively, for each other - its a selfish relationship on both of our parts.   i feel like he is the best most competent boss i have ever had, able to bring the best performance out of me in order to get what we both want.   Its another one of the contradictions that exist in my head now: i am more passionate about and dedicated to this person that i know virtually nothing about (and want to know virtually nothing about) than i have been about almost any other man ever. He says things and does things upon occasion that literally make me want to throw myself at his feet crying in gratitude, that is LITERALLY how he makes me feel-no exaggeration. If you are reading this you have probably read my other stuff and know i am not one to go in for over blown declarations, i try to "keep it real" and i am telling you he sometimes looks inside me and sees the absolute truth about me. i don't know how he does it but when he does it makes me yearn, it makes me ache, it makes a lot of other things i have felt pale in comparison. Groveling at his feet in supplication seems a fitting repayment for helping me feel something so strongly. Obviously today was one of the times he did that. Another for the list of contradictions: how can such can vile filthy words and actions take me to such a euphoric place? i don't know the psychology and frankly i don't care that much because i just love feeling this way! Thank you Mastered.

Todays outfit:

if there was room enough i would have added "in my ass with very large objects" lol


  1. your green pullover is too classical...
    not sexy
    as your red dress was!

    1. i am pretty fond of the red dress too, thank you but it is hardly work appropriate ;)

  2. I would say the point is that under that classical green pullover, is a real and genuine label. That is sexy, and humiliating (which for gals like J and me are kind of the same thing). As an aside, I appreciate the coordinating pumps. Nice touch!!

    Anyway, J - this is one righteous blog. It *is* your truth.. and I say "right on" for you!


    1. Thank you Amber! i appreciate your support particularly since we are in different situations, that doesn't stop you from getting that it works differently for all of us. thanks!

  3. Wow!!! you really are into being a total slut, cunt, and cockwhore.....and that is wonderful. The world needs more sluts and (free) whores. (I'm assuming when you start your life as an ass fucker and mouth-cunt, you won't be charging...but will be performing a public service!)
    The green outfit is very nice...business like and normal. The tit writing is anything but nice, business like, or normal!! It shows that you are just what you want to become...a service hole for cocks. Enjoy!! you know what you want and Mastered is giving it to you.
