December 13 2012

oh i am so tired! i have been working hard at work this week and i feel like i have been putting in a lot of slave work in the evenings, not sure if that is true but it feels like it. With trying to stick to my work out schedule and run general errands i am exhausted tonight. i even paid someone to walk my poor dog, who is taking the brunt of my new interests, she mainly just looks at me resentfully now. BUT i will be much more alert in about an hour.... we will get to that in a minute. Enough of my whining (but Jesus i will be glad to sleep in on sat).

Here is todays outfit. I was not very happy with the words that Master gave me this morning but perversely not being happy made me happy, if ya know what i mean. Remember today was also a diaper day (did not have time to snap a pic this morning-sorry):

After using the toilet first thing in the morning i was in diapers all day. As i talked about yesterday i was just going to just relax my muscles and be completely uncontrolled. i did do that, and it causes you to spend more time in a wet diaper because you cant change every time it gets a little wet or you would be going thru 100 dollars of diapers a day. But that is the base, worthless slut i want to feel like, the only control of my body comes from Master.  Around 10 or so, though, i put my foot right in my mouth. Chatting with Master i mentioned that today his control could be so thorough that he could just text me when to piss and i would do it on command.  i also said, while we were discussing what a piss whore i am becoming, that since i desperately want to be able to be his toilet when i see him i should get more used to drinking piss maybe i should flavor my coffee (she says like an idiot). Both of those things were said partially joking and, probably if i am being totally honest, partially seriously. Of course both of those things happened.  i was instructed to flavor my coffee with my piss. And throughout the day i got a couple of abrupt texts commanding me to piss right then or at a particular time. So in the course of an hour i went from no control over myself what so ever to absolute control by Master, i loved it! Oh how awesome it was to piss on command, again like an animal, but a trained one this time.

i  got part of this weekends task, which i think, although it will probably be painful will be fun. i want to save it as a surprise tho so that is all i am going to say about that.

So, really other than the day long (and still now at night) diaper training there is not much else to mention today.....OH wait a second i forgot to mention that in about a 1/2 an hour i will be standing outside in my back yard naked for 5 minutes. Did you know it is, like, 35 degrees in Baltimore, did you know i live in a townhome with neighbors everywhere? No? Well it is and i do. i sound bitter but i am absolutely NOT, this task is exciting me to no end and i am chomping at the bit to get out there.  It is not a full moon and i do have a fence but there is still a view of my yard from any ones upstairs windows and frankly i am hoping some miserable husband around here is looking outside and sees me standing there legs apart, hands over my head, naked, in heels and  shaking from the cold! i am going to TRY to take a picture but i figure i only have one chance because i don't want the flash going off multiple times so there may be pictures or there may not. If get any i will send them to Master and he will tell me if i can post them. So that is my big finish for the night...stay tuned to see how it goes and wish me luck as i stand naked and exposed at attention for 5 chilly minutes simply because it amuses my Master. My god he is good, isn't he?

Update at 12:30am     A-FUCKING-MAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh god oh god oh god
Next time for longer and no messing around with pics!! (but id did get one-not the greatest but it proves i did it) oh god oh god - there were even shooting stars, SERIOUSLY????????

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