1. I tried to post comments and this posting wouldn't take them, even after I had successfully posted comment on several other dates posting. So this is My test.

  2. Posting now that it seems to be accepting comments............
    I have to comment on this series. I think it is My favorite even though I lean more towards tit pain. This is just outstanding way to punish you for your misdeed. "Walking the rope" with your cunt is just HOT! The course rope obviously rubs cunt raw, especially when pulled up tight between cunt lips, which is definitely has been. A slave cunt is for so much more that just a fuck hole, a piss hole, a place to deny orgasm.....it is a great place to give pain. All the pix are excellent and show what you had to accept as your punishment. I like the added nip clips and weights, the clips spreading your cunt lips, and the tit billboard. And I understand this task resulted in a "new pair of panties" for you, rope crotch panties for you to wear at work. I whole heartedly congratulate Mastered for His great ideas on how to train and use you. you are "slave meat" to be enjoyed and molded by Him.

    1. i have grown to love cunt pain as much as tit pain- it is somehow more personal, it goes right to the core of your womanhood (mentally)to know that someone is purposefully hurting that most tender, soft, feminine area. actually just writing that made me a little hot! BTW i love the phrase pisshole-goes back to something else we discussed: the use of the crudest terms for a slaves body and functions. thank you for commenting!!!

  3. fabulous rope work-tasks. keeps your attention till you learn to come.
